
Posts Tagged ‘French food culture’

Do you know which country is the most understand food significance and uses them to full and improve the quality of life in the world? It is France. So French food history is not only long as its history of civilization, but also is a part of its civilization. A dish, or a way of cooking food seems make people smell the long nation culture and deep breath.
On the whole, French food includes a few big aspects: bread, cake, cold food, cooked food, meat products, cheese and wine. These are indispensable contents of the French food and the French people are most proud of wine, bread and cheese.
The French used to eat western food, romantic French food, and romantic French meal, there were a lot of details worth you taste.
French food is famous with its delicious, and has variety dishes, cooking methods is also very unique. The European food is almost cooked by French; it is because the chef in first-rate hotel or restaurant employs is mostly French in the European.
The French is also special pursuit of emotional appeal when has dinner, such as elegant tableware, faint light of the candle, elegant environment and so on. French cuisine and French people’s life requirement and aesthetic view have a direct relation. The French people also give the meaning of philosophy to diet, they think that dieting should conform to their education and social status, and they regard sitting at the same table dinner as the enjoyment and elegant fun of contact feelings and make friends.

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